A Letter from Share Food Program
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The Share Food Program family mourns the passing of former Executive Director Steveanna Wynn, who led Share’s fight against hunger for more than 30 years. Steveanna was widely respected as a fierce, passionate warrior for food justice. In 2012, she was honored as “Citizen of the Year” by the Philadelphia Inquirer for her commitment and dedication to ending hunger.
Steveanna brought her heart and soul to Share’s work against hunger. She frequently spoke of the important lessons she learned growing up in a small farming community in Virginia. She knew that hard times could befall anyone and that caring neighbors could uplift those in need. Steveanna brought her life wisdom and core value to Share. Community was at the heart of Share’s work, and she continually turned to our community partners and those we serve for their advice and input. Each visitor and volunteer was reminded that “Share is a place where everyone, no matter what their circumstances, is treated with dignity and respect.”
As Executive Director, Steveanna led Share’s growth from a small community food cooperative to the region’s largest hunger relief nonprofit, now serving more than 1 million people every month. She helped build a network of food pantries serving the highest poverty neighborhoods in the Philadelphia region. Steveanna strengthened Share’s reach and impact by creating strong partnerships to help expand food access. Under her leadership, Share welcomed thousands of volunteers from all walks of life, including corporate groups, schools, faith-based organizations, individuals and families. She also earned the trust and support of public and private funders who respected her strong, steady leadership.
In addition to her role with Share, she quietly helped incubate some of the region’s other key resources, including the Coalition Against Hunger, Common Market, Sunday Suppers, Philly Food Works, Bennet Compost, and the MontCo Anti-Hunger Network, among others.
Steveanna was also tireless in supporting local, regional and national efforts for food justice. She served on the Board of Directors of Hunger Free Pennsylvania and Nutritional Development Services, was President of the Pennsylvania Association of Regional Food Banks, and chaired the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture Food Advisory Committee. She also led the Anti-Hunger Subcommittee of the Mayor’s Food Policy Advisory Committee in Philadelphia.
She won numerous awards including the MANNA Nourish Award, Schweitzer Leadership Award from Thomas Jefferson University, the Hunger Fighter Award from the Greater Philadelphia Coalition Against Hunger and the Junior League of Philadelphia’s Susan Myers Leadership and Community Activism Award.
Steveanna Wynn leaves a legacy of service, caring and deep commitment to community. While we are heartbroken at her passing, we are forever inspired by her vision. The entire Share family mourns the loss of our beloved leader, colleague and friend who touched the lives of hundreds of thousands of people facing hard times. We will work each day to honor her spirit, values and determination.
George Matysik